The Pueblo City-County Health Department is reporting another West Nile Virus case. KRCC’s Maggie Spencer has more.
All four cases of the mosquito borne virus in Pueblo County this year have been confirmed within the past month.
Pueblo City-County Health Department director Dr. Christine Nevin-Woods expects the risk of mosquito bites and West Nile Virus to decrease as the weather gets colder, but still recommends precautions like draining standing water, avoiding the outdoors at dusk and dawn, and using deet.
Nevin-Woods says people experiencing symptoms should seek prompt medical attention. Symptoms may include fever, muscle weakness, rash, and confusion. Untreated West Nile Virus can lead to long-term illness and disability.
This season has been the worst in Colorado for cases of West Nile Virus since 2007, when the state saw 578 human cases. As of this week, 245 cases have been reported in Colorado this year.