Detective Alex Blank from the Breckenridge Police lead the investigation. “Ms. Foxx forged documents and spent others’ money for personal gain, moving money to between accounts to cover-up and hide suspicious spending,” Blank says.
An arrest affidavit reads that Foxx forged checks and spent the money on casinos, airline flights, clothing, personal rental vehicles, utilities and gardening supplies.
“Ms. Foxx was in essence the fox in the hen house,” says Bruce Brown, the Colorado District Attorney for the Fifth Judicial District. “She was robbing from Peter to pay Paul.” Brown says his office will do everything it can to uncover the extent of the loss and obtain restitution for the alleged victims.
The Breckenridge Film Festival is moving ahead despite the setback. Gary Martinez, the Summit County Manager and a long-time supporter of the Breckenridge Film Festival, says that he would have been disappointed if the festival had to fold following these events. “It would have been a shame to see this just die or go away,” Martinez says. Martinez has stepped in as board president. The entire board of the festival has turned over for 2013.
According to Martinez, the all-new board has put in place much stricter financial measures. These include the development of a finance committee and a requirement for multiple signatures on checks. He says the key to moving on is letting people know what the festival has done to fix the problem.
The festival also hopes to win the community back by producing high-quality programming. The festival’s management and the Town of Breckenridge have big plans for future editions of the festival: They are remodelling two festival venues and hope to build a new theater.