Opera Theatre of the Rockies will present three performances of the acclaimed Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, The King and I, July 25th-27th at Armstrong Theater. Complete with sets and costumes from the Broadway/Asia tour, a 25-piece orchestra from the Colorado Springs Philharmonic, and a cast full of Front Range talent, it is sure to be both a world-class production and an impressive display of regional culture. The Big Something's Jake Brownell sat down with Ashraf Sewailam, who plays the King of Siam--now known as Thailand--and Solveig Olsen, who plays the part of Anna, to talk about the show.
Tickets to the show can be purchased at Meeker Music (624 N. Tejon), and online at the Opera Theatre of the Rockies website.
UPDATE: Ashraf Sewailam was injured in a bicycle accident this weekend, and will be unable to perform in the show. He will be replaced by Wayne Hu. From the Opera Theatre of the Rockies Facebook page:
Well - the only constant is change... Sadly, we will not be able to enjoy the artistry of Ashraf Sewailam for our productions of The King and I this weekend. We wish Ashraf all the best as he heals from a bicycle accident, and look forward to the next opportunity to work with this gracious and talented singer/actor.
But never fear, we will have the talented Wayne Hu joining us in the role he has really made his own, performing it many, many times in the last few years. (waynehu.com)
Tickets are going FAST -- If you don't already have yours, call soon or you may miss out on a fabulous performance! Tickets at Meeker Music, 624 N. Tejon or call (719)646-3127 or order best available online at operatheatreoftherockies.org.