This article is part of our look at potential refunds from the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. Learn more about how TABOR works here.
Title: HB15-1126 Overseas Fed Civilian Employee Tax Filing Status
Sponsors: Rep. Paul Rosenthal (D-Denver)
Status: Introduced and assigned to the House Finance and the State, Veterans, & Military Affairs committees on Jan. 22. The unamended bill was referred to the Finance Committee on Feb. 25. The bill was killed on March 18 by the Finance Committee.
What the bill would have done: Currently, active military personnel who have a house in Colorado, but are outside of the state for at least 305 days in a year, can file as a nonresident individual and be exempted from state income taxes. This bill would have extended that ability to civilians as well.
How it would have affected your refund: This bill would have reduced the average taxpayer refund by at least 29 cents in the fiscal year 2015-16.