The city of Colorado Springs will be more vigilant placing flags and signs notifying the public when workers spray weed killing chemicals in parks and open space.
The Colorado Springs Gazette reports the city council president approved the move after a California jury awarded a man $289 million in damages related to his use of glyphosate-based chemicals.
The chemical is found in common weed killer like Roundup.
The Gazette reports the signs will be more visible in city parks, open space and medians following spraying by crews:
City Council President Richard Skorman said he and Councilwoman Yolanda Avila spoke with parks officials on the topic last week, particularly about their concerns regarding glyphosate-based weed-killing chemicals, which are known to be harmful to people and animals.
“I think we need to err on the side of caution, especially since we have such heavier parks users than so many other cities across the country,” Skorman said. “Even if it means spending a bit more money.”
There is concern from members of the city council that the spraying of chemicals might open the city up to liability. Colorado Springs is also developing a way to map parks recently sprayed for online use.