Updated Dec. 20 at 11:51 a.m.
Submissions are closed for the 2024 Books We Love collection. Looking for the full list of 2024 recommendations? Click here.
Fellow book lovers, it's time for the second annual Books We Love and we want you to help us curate!
Your recommendations will help us create an inventory that other bibliophiles can use to discover new and exciting books. Here's the 2023 Books We Love archive, created by readers just like you.
Want to submit a book recommendation? Here are the guidelines:
First, pick a book that was published in 2024. Sorry, no books you read and loved in 2024 if they're not new. (We're trying to stay hip, alright?) We're interested in anything from non-fiction, to cookbooks, to graphic novels. As long as it was published in 2024, we want to hear about it.
Next, write a short, 3-6 sentence recommendation (example below). You don't have to sound like an expert critic. Just talk about the book like you're convincing a friend to read it. You'll find the form to submit your recommendation below.
Then, you’re done!
The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, Dec. 11.
Example book recommendation, from NPR's Books We Love
We are a Haunting is written so vividly that it’s almost vibrating. In this multigenerational family epic, East New York – with all of its sounds, smells and pulsing sensations – feels almost as alive as the people who inhabit it. But it is, of course, the people who bring so much heart, pain, strangeness and beauty to this story. The family at its center is blessed with an otherworldly gift to connect with both the living and dead – an ability that brings surreal layers to a very real-world struggle: trying to hold on to home and community in a city that is continually crushing and displacing some of its longest-standing residents. — Leah Donnella, senior editor, Code Switch #familymatters #identityandculture #scifiandfantasy |