Gov. John Hickenlooper is brushing off questions about whether he wants to be considered Hilllary Clinton's running mate in the Democrat's campaign for the presidency.
"Hillary and Hick?... No, I think every time someone asks me a question about future jobs or future ambitions, I say, 'Wait a second, we have got a lot of work left to do here,'" he said.
That was one topic he discussed with Colorado Matters host Ryan Warner in an interview that airs today.
The governor also discussed his new tax proposal to make more money available to the state and lower future TABOR refunds; the state's film incentives program, which is getting less money from lawmakers than the governor wanted; a bill to create a murder charge in Colorado in the death of a fetus; a package of bills aimed at increasing trust among police and communities; and how much information schools should have to disclose after incidents of violence.
Hear the conversation by clicking "Listen" above.
On police reform bills
The governor said he supports bills that have bipartisan support, including those calling for better officer training, funding for body cameras and improving data collection about policing and officer-involved shootings.
"I think the idea that we can look at better training, all of that is constructive. Obviously we want to make sure that we focus on those places where we get the greatest benefit for every dollar we invest, but I think that's what legislators are looking at," he said.
Regarding proposals that have only Democratic support, like one banning the use of choke holds in most instances, need to be looked at closely. He added, "We want to make sure that we restrict and prohibit inappropriate conduct in police officers, but at the same time we don't want to create legislation that's overly broad and puts them at increased risk."
On transparency after incidents of violence in schools
Hickenlooper said in the case of the December 2013 shooting at Arapahoe High school and the family of victim Claire Davis, he believes the Davis' deserve access to any information they are requesting. The Davis family has struggled to get information it wants about the incident.
Regarding whether he thinks the state should require such transparency in the future, the governor added, "If it's in all cases, I'd have to sit down with our legal team and look at what the potentially unexpected or unexplored consequences would be. In other words, would people cover up information? Would you be unable to get an accurate read of what exactly happened because of the possible legal ramifications?"
Hickenlooper said the idea of setting up a fact-finding commission, like the one set up after the attacks on Columbine High School, for the incident at Arapahoe High School "might be going too far. But I'd want to talk to Michael and Desire Davis... I'd like to hear how they're feeling about this going forward."