A story now about swimming. With a tail. It's something mermaids do -- including in landlocked Pueblo, where there's a small but dedicated mermaid subculture whose members meet at the CSU-Pueblo pool. Pixy Wright is founder of Pueblo's Mermaid Lagoon. And because the tail prevents her from walking she was carried into our studios by her husband, Bill Wright. And he is dressed as a pirate.
Pixy's mermaid name is Queen Ary. She wears a sequined tail with two different reds, undertones of pink and pearl white and it refracts light and shimmers. Her fluke -- fins by the feet -- are decorated too. It took her eight months to make this tail, layering the sequins on by hand. And when she puts it on, and slips into the water she leaves the human mess of a world behind and floats beyond what she thinks of as normal boundaries