A developer walks away from the completion of a hotel in north Colorado Springs (Gazette). Fort Carson will soon create more helicopter traffic (Colorado Springs Independent). Fort Carson welcomes home bomb squad troops (Gazette).
'Manitou Springs Forward' looks at the city's future development (Gazette). Walker Ranch in Westcliffe gains Century status (Wet Mountain Tribune). The Canon City City Council moves forward on a planned dinosaur museum project (Canon City Daily Record).
A proposed Pueblo County D-70 bond issue aims to improve facilities (Chieftain). Pueblo County's contribution to Governor Hickenlooper's economic plan looks to build on existing infrastructure (Chieftain).
Crowley County, the state's poorest county, turns 100 (Colorado Springs Independent).
Disclaimer: KRCC and KRCC News make no guarantees regarding the content within these reports, however consider them part of the news and media outlets reporting on issues affecting our coverage area. The Index is not exhaustive, and is not an endorsement of any kind. * indicates subscription required.