Medicaid in Colorado gets scaled back after drastically underestimating the number of people eligible (Denver Post). Layoff notices in Colorado continue to decline (Denver Business Journal). Consumer debt levels in Colorado surpass the national average (Colorado Springs Gazette). The USA Pro Cycling Challenge brings millions to the state (KXRM).
Some El Paso County offices are set to begin moving to their new location off Garden of the Gods Road (KXRM). In Colorado Springs, correspondence shows a breakdown in communication between Memorial and PERA (Gazette). The police department and UCCS receive a state grant to help address underage drinking (KOAA). Residents express displeasure over changes to the intersection at Fillmore and Chestnut (KRDO). A memorial service is planned for remembering 9/11 (Gazette).
Pueblo residents speak out against a proposed energy rate hike (Pueblo Chieftain, KKTV). Heat in Pueblo schools cause concern (Chieftain, KKTV). Some Pueblo residents say lack of care of a cemetery is disrespectful (KRDO).
Last November's general election in Saguache County gets a public review (Denver Post). Otero County Commissioners vote to supposed the proposed Lamar Front Range Transmission Project (LaJunta Tribune-Democrat). A refitted power plant in Lamar still experiences (Trinidad Times-Independent).
Disclaimer: KRCC and KRCC News make no guarantees regarding the content within these reports, however consider them part of the news and media outlets reporting on issues affecting our coverage area. The Index is not exhaustive, and is not an endorsement of any kind. * indicates subscription required.