A new report offers a brighter outlook for jobs in Colorado (Denver Post), while another report calls for sweeping state reforms in order to deal with significant budget issues (Denver Business Journal). Banks across the state decline to do business with medical marijuana dispensaries (KXRM).
In Colorado Springs, the airport expects passenger numbers to increase for next year (Gazette). The city's police chief retires (KOAA, KRDO, KKTV, KXRM). El Paso County elections officials begin testing machines (Gazette). Energy assistance for low-income households decreases (KRDO, KKTV).
In Pueblo, police warn of fake officers (KRDO). CSU-Pueblo gets a grant to aid in science, technology, engineering, and math (Pueblo Chieftain). Renovations for city hall near $7 million (Chieftain). City Council At-Large candidates are set to participate in a voter forum (Chieftain).
In LaJunta, a FEMA grant helps increase safety for firefighters and the public (LaJunta Tribune-Democrat). Las Animas County faces a grim financial situation (Trinidad Times-Independent). The value of Trinidad State Nursing Home is called into question (Trinidad Times-Independent). Trinidad councilwoman and a candidate, among others, face felony charges for illegal gambling (Trinidad Times-Independent).
Raton officials consider a new law aimed at helping to curb underage drinking (Raton Range). A federal grant will help the Raton Police Department hire a new officer (Raton Range).
Disclaimer: KRCC and KRCC News make no guarantees regarding the content within these reports, however consider them part of the news and media outlets reporting on issues affecting our coverage area. The Index is not exhaustive, and is not an endorsement of any kind. * indicates subscription required.