Sheriff Terry Maketa Elevates Fire Restrictions From Stage I to Stage II
Due to extremely high fire danger and the demand of fire fighting resources to battle the Waldo Canyon Fire, Sheriff Terry Maketa has elevated fire restrictions from Stage I to Stage II, effective immediately. This elevation primarily impacts campfire and smoking activities over those restrictions that had been in place during Stage I.
The following activities are prohibited during Stage II Fire Restrictions.
- Open burning defined as campfires and warming fires, charcoal grills and outdoor wood burning stoves, the use of explosives, outdoor welding or use of acetylene or other torch with open flames other than in an area cleared of all flammable materials. Fires contained within liquid-fueled or gas-fueled stoves are permitted.
- The use or sale of fireworks of all kinds.
- Outdoor smoking except within an enclosed vehicle or building.
Violations of Stage II Fire Restrictions may result in a fine up to $1000.