The New York-based Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, or TLDEF is filing a complaint with the Colorado Division of Civil Rights against Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8. KRCC’s Eliza Densmore reports.
Transgender 6-year-old Coy Mathis identifies as a girl and was told by her school district last December she could no longer use the girl’s restroom. Her parents have homeschooled her since.
TLDEF Executive Director Michael Silverman says the group is filing the complaint on behalf of Coy because the district’s policy is not in accordance with the state’s anti-discrimination laws.
"By forcing Coy to be the only girl in school who uses a different bathroom than everyone else, they will stigmatize her, it will lead to harassment, it will lead to discrimination, and it will lead to bullying. Coy needs to have the same educational opportunities that every Colorado student has."
According to the Colorado Division of Civil Rights website, the review process can take six months to a year.
A School District 8 spokesperson could not be reached for comment. The district had said Coy could use the staff bathrooms or the one in the nurse’s office.