It was standing room only last night as El Paso County residents attended a town-hall style meeting with county officials on pending gun legislation. As KRCC’s Hannah Sohl reports, El Paso County officials are coming out strong against more gun regulations.
Earlier this year El Paso County commissioners unanimously passed a pro-second amendment resolution, and urged federal and state lawmakers to resist proposals altering current gun rules.
"There’s a problem out there, but these bills do nothing to solve it," El Paso County Commissioner Dennis Hisey says. Hisey says he doesn’t support any of the proposed legislation.
"I think the solution falls more, not in gun legislation, but there are mental heath issues that need to dealt with and addressed. What they’re proposing, only law abiding citizens would adhere to."
Hisey says the recent proposal limiting high capacity magazines, now in front of the governor, will likely be difficult to enforce. That’s one of a slate of gun bills in the statehouse this session.
A recording of the town-hall meeting is scheduled to run on the Pikes Peak Library District Channel tonight at 10.