Audio: Colorado Springs City Council Voter Forums

This April, voters in Colorado Springs will select six councilors from a field of more than 20 candidates. Voters will also decide on two ballot measures: a usage adjustment to the TOPS tax, and council pay. Ballots are due on April 2nd.

Candidates have participated in a number of forums leading up to the election; here is audio from two of those forums, hosted by Trails and Open Space Coalition and Citizens Project respectively. Please note that if a candidate is not included in the audio, that means he or she was not in attendance at the forum. TOSC Intros & Yes/No and Closing Statements include candidates from all districts.

Full Audio | TOSC Intros & Yes/No | District 1 | District 2 | District 3 | District 4 | District 5 | District 6 | TOSC Closing Statements

For a map of the new districts in Colorado Springs, click here.
For a candidate list, click here.

Full Audio (right-click to download):

&• Trails and Open Space Coalition (TOSC) Forum (about 1 hour):

&• Citizens Project Forum (2 hrs, 35 min):

TOSC Intros & Yes/No
(Includes candidates from all districts.)

District 1:

&• TOSC:

&• Citizens Project:

District 2:

&• TOSC:

&• Citizens Project:

District 3:

&• TOSC:

&• Citizens Project:

District 4:

&• TOSC:

&• Citizens Project:

District 5:

&• TOSC:

&• Citizens Project:

District 6:

&• TOSC:

&• Citizens Project:

TOSC Closing Statements

&• TOSC: