Dan Haley is the new executive director of the state's largest oil and gas industry trade group, the Colorado Oil and Gas Association. He began the position on June 1st. His background is in media and journalism. He spent 20 years as a journalist and editor, serving as the editorial page editor at the Denver Post. He then joined the private sector as a media consultant.
Interview Highlights with Dan Haley:
On How his Media Background will help him lead the industry in Colorado.
"I really hope I can take some of what I learned over the years in media and really communicate some of the positive aspects of this industry to people in Colorado."
On the Biggest Challenges Facing the Oil and Gas Industry:
"Making sure we're out talking to people in those communities impacted by oil and gas. Letting them know what's happening in their communities. If we're not out having those conversations other people will fill that vacuum and give them, what I consider bad information."
On what to expect from COGA moving forward:
"I think it's a lot of the same things we've been doing in the past, community outreach, being involved in the legislative and regulatory process so we can hopefully influence a positive outcome for the oil and gas industry."