The highest-profile event will be Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s Saturday night rally in Colorado Springs. It’s his second visit to the state since securing his party’s nomination.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign will hold a “Weekend of Action” involving more than two-hundred smaller events to mobilize supporters around Colorado. In Commerce City the campaign nicknamed its Saturday block party "Get out the Taco Trucks and Vote," in a nod to a controversial comment one Trump surrogate made about the consequences of Mexican immigration.
The presidential campaigns aren’t the only ones gearing up this weekend. Tim Phillips, president of the national free market group Americans for Prosperity, is in Colorado to rally support for incumbent Republican Congressman Mike Coffman in his race against state Senator Morgan Carroll. AFP is openly calling for Carroll's defeat in the race, an unusual step for the group.
Colorado Democrats are planning a counter-protest outside of AFP's headquarters in Greenwood Village Saturday.
Ballot issue campaigns are also heating up. The group pushing a minimum wage increase kicks off its ground game this weekend, with the goal of knocking on 200,000 doors before Election Day.