Altin Gun - Gece
Within the first three songs, I was plunged into the sounds of Jack White, The Turbans and Deep Purple. That is when you know it's going to be a fine record. One has to appreciate a band from the Netherlands who want to dip their passion and ear for Turkish music into an intoxicating bath of psychedelia. I can already hear Kikagaku Moyo and Khruangbin moving their chairs around to make room at the table.

Dressy Bessy - Fast Faster Disaster
Braggin' rights with this band, here in Colorado! Not only has Tammy Ealom written one energized indie rock song after another, holding place with people like Kristin Hersh and Sleater Kinney, she has been a role model for the young women in bands like Charley Bliss, Frankie Cosmos, and La Luz. Dressy Bessy has also carried the DNA of Denver's Elephant 6 collective and record label, home to bands like Apples In Stereo, Olivia Tremor Control and Neutral Milk Hotel.
Although 2016's Kingsized was perfectly pleasing, there is something about this new one that recalls the joys of the early days. Check out "It's Not That Hard", "I've Fallen In Love", or "Fearless" for the rush of Ealom's distinctive vocals and a sublingual hit of power pop.