- UCCS presents will bring “Take Me to The River: New Orleans Live!” to the Ent Center for the Arts tomorrow evening at 7 p.m., featuring some of the most influential figures of modern New Orleans funk, R&B, soul, and jazz.
- This Saturday, the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College will celebrate the Broadmoor Art Academy’s 100th birthday with the opening of a new show entitled The Broadmoor Art Academy and Its Legacy, 1919-1970.
- On Monday, at 6 p.m., the UCCS Downtown Campus will host its second #UrbanCOS panel discussion, this time about benefits of local creative districts & creative ecosystems. This session will conclude with a short public art walking tour.
- Check out peakradar.com for more information on these and other events.
- The Peak Radar Minute is made possible by the Tiemens Foundation