A total of about 45 people gathered in Aurora and Grand Junction on Friday evening to protest the ongoing impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.
In Grand Junction, a dozen protesters gathered outside Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet’s local office with American flags and signs decrying the impeachment proceedings.
As Mesa County Commissioner Rose Pugliese declared the process “has to end,” one passerby heckled the group, but several drivers gave honks of support and a few yelled “Trump!” out their windows.
The Boots on the Ground Bikers for Trump group was out in Grand Junction, including member Le Ann Leffler-Foote.
“I am tired of Democrats wasting taxpayer dollars on a farce,” she said. “I support our president!”
Across the state, about 30 people gathered for a sister march in Aurora on Friday evening outside Rep. Jason Crow’s local office. They held signs that read, “We’ll remember in November” and “End the witch hunt” while passing cars honked in support.
Kristi Burton Brown, vice chairman of Colorado’s GOP, addressed the crowd and said Crow should stop the effort to remove Trump from office.
“This is unprecedented in American history,” Brown said. “Never before has an impeachment ever been tried without a real crime being alleged. There’s no evidence, no facts.”
Leffler Foote said that while the impeachment proceedings brought her out this time, she takes every opportunity she can to protest the presidents’ “haters.” She was part of a small group that recently counterprotested the Western Colorado Women’s March. In December, she helped a disrupt a local pro-impeachment rally.
“We’re tired of being quiet,” Leffler-Foote said. “So you’ll see us more and more. It’s not the fact that it’s an election year. It’s — we’re tired. We’re tired of the lies that are being made to slander a man who isn’t taking a paycheck.”
She added that she’d like to see a giant demonstration for Trump, but that many of his supporters work “all the time.”
Back in Aurora, many attendees said there are more important issues Crow should be spending his time and money on besides impeachment, which he is helping manage for the House. Lisa Fertman of Aurora agreed and said she wants Crow to focus on veterans’ affairs.
“Why not take some of this money and give it to the veterans?” she said, adding that her son is a veteran with a lifelong disability from his time in the Navy. “That VA here in Aurora needs work. Jason Crow needs to get over there and get some things done.”
She said she didn’t vote for Crow and that she doesn’t want him to fail just because she didn’t support him. But she thinks he isn’t taking a stand for issues people in his district want him to defend.