Registered voters in Colorado should have received ballots this week for the June 28 Democratic and Republican primaries.
But if you’ve double-checked your mailbox and still haven’t found your ballot, there’s hope. Same goes if your dog chewed it up or you simply misplaced it.
Colorado has a website, govotecolorado.gov, that lets you look up your voter registration information easily. The website will tell you what day your ballot was mailed and what address it was sent to.
If you discover your address is incorrect, you can edit your voter registration through the site.
You should then contact your local county clerk’s office and ask to have a new ballot mailed to you. The county will invalidate your old one for you, ensuring there’s no way for it to be mistakenly counted. Most allow you to complete this process via phone, email or live chat on their website.
Peg Perl, deputy elections director for Arapahoe County, says that’s the best thing to do up until June 17.
“As we get closer to the election, it’s too late to mail a replacement to you,” Perl said. “As a last resort you can go vote in person once those vote centers open on June 20th.”
Republican voters will need to sort through a variety of contested races at the top of the ticket this year. The party has multiple candidates for governor, U.S. Senate, and Secretary of State. Conservative candidates are also competing to represent Colorado's third, seventh and eighth congressional districts.
Democrats, who have more incumbents up for reelection, have fewer high-level contests. Their biggest races are for congressional seats representing districts one and three.
All ballots must be returned to your county clerk’s office via mail or drop box by 7 p.m. on June 28.
Colorado uses a service called BallotTrax that allows voters to sign up for text alerts at each stage of the voting process — from when it’s mailed out, to when the completed ballot is received back at the clerk’s office and their signature is verified.
The Secretary of State’s office said nearly two million Coloradans are already signed up for BallotTrax, out of 3.8 million active voters statewide.
Voters who aren’t already signed up can do so here.
CPR’s Megan Verlee contributed reporting.
Editor's Note: This story has been updated to correct Peg Perl's job title.