Therapists who already incorporate psychedelics in their practice are mixed on Prop 122
The proposition would allow people to consume psilocybin in licensed settings and some therapists are concerned about how exactly that might work.

By Max Lubbers

Propuesta 122: Ley de Salud para Medicina Natural
La Ley de Salud para Medicina Natural despenalizaría el uso personal de sustancias psicodélicas como la psilocibina y la psilocina.

By Max Lubbers

Enmienda F: Cambios a las operaciones de juegos de azar con fines caritativos, explicación
La Enmienda F permitiría, sin obligación, que las organizaciones caritativas les paguen a los operadores de juegos de azar

By Max Lubbers

Enmienda E: Extender la exención de viviendas a cónyuges Gold Star, explicación
El estado calcula que 490 cónyuges Gold Star podrían reunir requisitos para la exención si la enmienda se aprueba, según el folleto electoral informativo de la asamblea general de Colorado.

By Max Lubbers

Amendment E: Extend homestead exemption to Gold Star spouses, explained
The state estimates 490 Gold Star spouses could become eligible for the exemption if this amendment passes, according to the Colorado general assembly’s ballot information book.

By Max Lubbers

Amendment F: Changes to charitable gaming operations, explained
Amendment F would allow – but not require – charities to pay game operators.

By Max Lubbers

Proposition 122: Natural Medicine Health Act
The Natural Medicine Health Act would decriminalize the personal use of psychedelic substances like psilocybin and psilocin.

By Max Lubbers

Goodbyes on Aisle 4 — Rep. Perlmutter wraps up last ‘Government in the Grocery’
During his time in Congress, the Jefferson County lawmaker held hundreds of constituent outreach events at stores in the 7th district.

By Max Lubbers

Legalizing psychedelic mushrooms is on the Colorado ballot this fall. Here’s what the supporters, the opponents and the data have to say
If the Natural Medicine Health Act passes, it would no longer be a state crime for people over 21 years old to grow, possess or gift psilocybin mushrooms.

By Max Lubbers

From brush clearing to thorny issues, Rep. Joe Neguse tries a new twist on the town hall
The congressman says his ‘service town halls’ use volunteering to take down the temperature on political conversations.

An initiative that would have restricted abortion access will not be on Colorado’s November ballot
Organizers said they did not collect the required number of signatures by the state’s deadline on Monday.

By Max Lubbers

An initiative to decriminalize most plant-based psychedelics is likely to fall short on signatures
Another ballot initiative to legalize psychoactive mushrooms will go to voters in November.

By Max Lubbers

What it takes to put a measure on the ballot
While some campaigns spend millions to get questions on the ballot, grassroots groups rely on volunteer passion and a lot of boot-leather to secure a spot.

By Max Lubbers

Psychedelic mushrooms will be on the Colorado ballot in November – maybe more than once
One measure would decriminalize the possession, growth and gifting of mushrooms containing psilocybin and psilocin, but it would not allow retail sales.

By Max Lubbers

Over a million Coloradans voted during the primary — here’s what their data might mean for the general election
Colorado voters cast more ballots in the Republican primary than the Democratic this year. But what else does the data tell us?

By Max Lubbers

Colorado voters could decide whether to legalize psychedelic mushrooms this fall
A measure to allow for the legal cultivation and use of the psychedelic fungi is one step away from making the November ballot.

By Max Lubbers