“Get Outdoors” Evening – Leave No Trace Awareness Workshop hosted by Kinship Landing



Kingship Landing, 415 S Nevada Avenue, Colorado springs, 80903

Event Description

Let's chill! F R E E beer, outdoor swag giveaways, hang with adventurous friends, meet stewardship heroes, and casually learn about how to enjoy and take care of our beloved outdoors.

Join the Subaru/Leave No Trace traveling team for a special outdoor gathering. Discover how to "leave no trace" and pick up tips and tricks for leaving less of an impact while exploring the Pikes Peak Region. Drop by anytime from 6-8pm for drinks, giveaways and meeting like-minded people.


Due to ever increasing use, parks in Colorado Springs are experiencing various trail impacts, pet waste issues, wildlife impacts, human waste impacts and more. The Leave No Trace team will be traveling to Colorado Springs to lead a variety of workshops and programs to ensure a sustainable future for our city.
REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/get-outside-leave-no-trace-tickets-163419605439?_ga=2.60037482.671745191.1632326218-1266982606.1632326218

