Nani Vazana Plays Nina Simone (and J.S. Bach)



Dazzle at the Arts Complex, 1080 14th Street, 80202

Event Description

Nina Simone is known as ​The High Priestess Of Soul​, but when carefully listened to, you discover a Baroque enthusiast. Simone dreamt to become the first African-American concert pianist in the USA but financial problems and racism had her turn to bars and clubs to play jazz, where she was forced to sing. In Simone’s music & improvisations you can distinctly hear ​J.S. Bach​'s impressions and even direct quotes from his fugues and preludes. Simone admired Bach for his composition. In her autobiography she recalls how her rendition of Love Me Or Leave Me​ came out of an attempt to compose a Bach-like Fugue. In this tribute ​Nani Vazana expands on Simone’s Bach quotations with her own classically oriented take. Seamlessly fusing pieces & songs such as the 1st invention in C into ​My Baby Just Cares For Me,​ the Arioso in G into ​I Loves You Porgy & the famous 1st Prelude from the Well Tempered Clavier i​nto ​He’s Got The Whole World In His Hand.​ Enjoy a celebration of Nina Simone & J.S. Bach, like you never heard them before.

Nani Vazana is an acclaimed international singer, composer, pianist & trombonist. She won the ​SENA Award the ​ACE Award​, represented the NL at the ​EU Music Festival Vietnam, hosted panels at ​WOMEX and ​TEDx​, won the ​Sephardic ​Music Award, ranked ​iTunes Top-20 ​bestseller, and won the ​ACUM ​album Award. Vazana has played at the ​Kennedy Center USA, ​Jazzahead DE, ​Manchester Jazz Festival UK, North Sea Jazz NL, Jodhpur RIFF IN, Warsaw Singer Festival PL, Tanjazz MA, Tel Aviv Jazz Festival ISR, and was artist in residence at Amsterdam Roots Festival.


$15 – $30

Event Contact

Dazzle at The Arts Complex


[email protected]