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Alzheimer’s disease derailed her career. She says it won’t stop her from living and learning

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21min 11sec
Former University of Denver chancellor Rebecca Chopp, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, and her husband Frederick Thibodeau.

In 2019, Rebecca Chopp stepped down as chancellor at the University of Denver after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. She's since spoken publicly about her journey with dementia, including in an interview last year on Colorado Matters. She joined us for an update on her journey and said, while she's still in the early stages of the disease, she has lost some of her short term memory.

Chopp said her goal is to live well despite being diagnosed with a terminal illness. She follows a special diet and exercises her mind and body in order to slow the progression of the disease. Chopp said she was lucky her primary care physician picked up on some changes in her behavior which eventually led to tests and a definitive diagnosis, but said it should be standard practice for physicans to test for Alzheimer's.

Chopp is active in the Alzheimer's Association of Colorado and said more needs to be done to address the racial disparities that exist for those with the condition.