Listen: Stories On Stage ‘Makes Merry’ With a ‘Fruitcake Recipe’

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Photo: Anthony Powell, Stories on Stage holiday show
Stories on Stage artistic director Anthony Powell performs during the company's 2014 holiday show.

Fruitcake is often vilified as a food. The Denver theater and literature organization Stories on Stage takes a different approach to the dish though. Artistic director Anthony Powell gave Colorado Matters a taste of the troupe's 15th anniversary holiday show, "Making Merry." He read "A Fruitcake Recipe" by anonymous, which is a poetic -- and comedic -- twist on the holiday treat.


"Making Merry" features seasonal essays and poetry performed by Colorado actors. It runs this weekend, with a sold-out performance at the Chautauqua Community House in Boulder on Saturday and two shows at Denver's King Center Auraria Campus on Sunday.