High Frequency Poetry is a daily reading of a poem by a local author on Radio Colorado College throughout the month of April, National Poetry Month. The poems read here are all from the book Poetry While You Wait, a collection of poems selected by the Pikes Peak Poet Laureate, Aaron Anstett. The book will be distributed in the waiting areas and lobbies of doctor's offices, mechanics, dentists and businesses throughout the Pikes Peak Region on April 3.
To read the poems and find out more about Poetry While You Wait and events throughout the Pikes Peak Region during National Poetry Month, visit www.pikespeakpoetlaureat.org.
You can also check for events at www.peakradar.com.
Tune in to Radio Colorado College every day during April at 3 p.m. right after Writer's Almanac, for another inststallment of High Frequency Poetry.