Colorado Rockies Stories on Colorado Matters
Rockies Fans Are Psyched
Grandmother and grandson Joan Bloom and Nattie Zola are big Rockiesfans. They speak with Dan Meyers about the road to the World Series.
Colorado Rockies In the Playoffs
For the first time in twelve years, the Colorado Rockies are in thebaseball playoffs. Dan Meyers speaks with Joe Blake, who helped bringMajor League baseball to Denver.
News Feature: Rockies Economic Impact Part 2
The Colorado Rockies step up to the plate this afternoon, in theirfirst playoff action in 12 years. Meanwhile, downtown Denver businessowners are expecting a post-season windfall. KCFR's Mike Lamp talkswith the Downtown Denver Partnership on the economic impact of theRockies extended season.
News Feature: Rockies Economic Impact Part 1
Colorado Rockies fans are celebrating last night's extra-innings winthat put their team in the playoffs. So are some Denver businessowners. KCFR's Mike Lamp talks with the Downtown Denver Partnership onthe economic effects of the extended season.
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