Experts from western states are gathering in New Mexico to talk about drought and its impacts on recreation and tourism. KRCC's Tucker Hampson reports.
A video from the Western Governors Association shows a montage of streams and water formations affected by drought, some dry and barren.
The Western Drought Forum in Santa Fe is the fifth in a series that aims to gather experts on drought across the west. Talks are planned on initiatives for stream restoration and drought strategies in the tourist industry.
The U.S. Drought Monitor puts much of the west under dry or drought conditions. Colorado has seen significant improvement over the last year.
The U.S. Drought Monitor shows about 70% of Colorado is not affected by drought. One year ago, that number was around 32%.
Among the presenters at this drought forum are Martha Rudolph, Director of Environmental Programs, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment; Vice President, Environmental Council of the States; and Nathan Fey, Director, Colorado River Program, American Whitewater.