GOP Senate Candidate Darryl Glenn Addresses National Convention

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1min 22sec
GOP Senate candidate Darryl Glenn. File photo.
GOP Senate candidate Darryl Glenn. File photo.

El Paso County Commissioner and Republican U.S. Senate candidate Darryl Glenn spoke in primetime during opening night at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Glenn is a Tea Party favorite underdog who won a five-way primary race in June to challenge incumbent Democrat Michael Bennet. He started off his speech by calling himself an unapologetic, Christian constitutional conservative, pro-life, 2nd amendment loving candidate.

Glenn then went on to criticize the Black Lives Matter movement, and referred to President Barack Obama’s as "divider in chief."

"Mr. President I have a message," said Glenn. "This is not about black America or white America or brown America, this is about the United States of America. Quite frankly, somebody with a nice tan needs to say this: all lives matter."

Glenn, who is African American, also blasted the president, saying Obama fails to give the military the tools and training to do their jobs, and that he hasn’t done enough to help veterans when they come home.

The roughly seven-minute speech capped off a day that also saw Colorado delegates walk out of the convention hall in objection to the rule-making process as part of the last gasp of the Stop Trump movement.