A $15 million federal grant will help fund an expansion of toll lanes on north Interstate 25.
The project aims to ease congestion between Fort Collins and Loveland.
The money will help the Colorado Department of Transportation pay for express toll lanes between state highways 14 and 402. It’s often brutal driving that I-25 corridor – with just two lanes in either direction and a growing population in Larimer and Weld Counties.
"We have long-had need in this particular corridor," said CDOT spokeswoman Amy Ford. "There are significant congestion issues, huge quality of life impacts due to congestion – and the growth in what is one of our fastest growing areas in the state.”
People will have the choice to pay for express lanes or use the free general purpose lanes.
"The goal is the addition of that capacity benefits everyone, regardless of which lane you choose to use," Ford said.
Ford said work on the $230 million expansion project is expected to begin by 2018. The expansion also includes transit, pedestrian and bicycle access improvements.