Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center is an organization that focuses on veterans of any era, regardless of discharge status, as well as their families. Mt. Carmel provides career and transistion assistance, behavioral health and wellness programs, suportive services, a connection to community resources, and a safe event space for vets, military members and their families. This local non-profit has directly impacted nearly 5,000 unique clients in the Pikes Peak Region since 2016. Community support is crucial to all of the programs at Mt. Carmel. Veterans are welcome to begin their search for services online at Veteranscenter.org or by calling 719-772-7000. Mt. Carmel is located at 530 Communication Circle (off 8th street) in Colorado Springs.
Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center is one of the participants in this year's Give! Campaign. More information about that here: indygive.com