From racketeering to dinosaur bones, here are 5 facts about the creation of Coors Field

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Hart Van Denburg/CPR News
Coors Field looks quite majestic at night in Denver, as the Rockies lost to the Giants, May 17, 2022.

From the buzz of the vendors hawking snacks and beer to the (all too rare) crack of the home run bat, the Colorado Rockies are a big presence at 20th and Blake streets in downtown Denver.

But their arrival in Denver 30 years ago took years of work by local politicians and business people — and sometimes things got a little weird.

Filmmaker Kyle Dyer tells the behind-the-scenes story in the documentary “When Colorado Went Major League.”

Here are some of the details she dug up:

1. The first hit of the first-ever Rockies home game was a home run by second baseman Eric Young. He didn’t hit another homer until the last game of the season.

2. Coors Field was funded by a sales tax approved by voters in the six-county metro area — but not every county bought in. Denver and Adams County voters actually rejected the tax. The measure won with strong support from the other suburbs.

Courtesy of Kyle Dyer
Filmmaker Kyle Dyer interviews former Rockies second baseman Eric Young.

3. A then-prominent downtown bar owner — now a U.S. senator — didn’t want Coors Field in his backyard. Wynkoop Brewing Company owner John Hickenlooper told Dyer he worried at the time drunk baseball fans would ruin LoDo. (He’s since told her he was wrong.)

4. The team’s first owner, millionaire Mickey Monus of Detroit, was indicted on racketeering charges 100 days before the Rockies’ first game. A trio of limited partners stepped up to take over the team.

5. Rockies mascot Dinger is named for a dinosaur bone found during stadium construction. (We wrote a whole story about the bones, by the way.)

Dinger Bones At Denver Museum Of Nature And Science
Hart Van Denburg
A small cardboard box: "2 rib bones" from "dinosauria," the label says, discovered July 21, 1993 while crews were starting the excavation for Coors Field.

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