Update: First round voting ended on Nov. 11. On to Round 2!
Voting season is over — or is it? That’s right, it’s time for CPR Classical’s 16th annual Carol Countdown! With snow falling over much of the state, we’re ready to get in the winter mood and crown another champion.
32 carols. Five weeks. Four divisions. One champion. You will decide which carol will grab the trophy over the next five weeks.
No more debates or politicians, just some good old-fashioned competition. Will King Wenceslas take out the Merry Gentleman in Round 1? Who will make it to Round 2: “O Christmas Tree” or “Sleigh Ride?” Which 1940s classic has your support — “White Christmas” or “The Christmas Song?”
Six new carols are waiting to enter the ring this year. Will “Away in the Manger,” “Coventry Carol,” “O Christmas Tree,” “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” “Hallelujah Chorus” or “Winter Wonderland” wind up kicking out some of last year’s contenders?
It’s all up to you! Cast your vote in the Round 1 interactive bracket below to help decide who advances to Round 2. When you do, you also will be entered to win a family four pack of tickets to the DCPA's production of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical" on Nov. 29. See sweepstakes rules here.
First-round voting is open until midnight on Nov. 11. We’ll tally the votes and announce the carols that move on to Round 2 on Nov. 14. Stay tuned to CPR Classical and sign up for our newsletter to keep in touch with how your favorite carols are doing. Voting will continue until we declare a winner on Dec. 10 during this year’s Carol Countdown show, starting at 7 a.m. on CPR Classical!
Hear CPR Classical by clicking “Listen Live” at the top on this website, or download the Colorado Public Radio app. Listen on your radio to CPR Classical at 88.1 FM in Denver, at radio signals around Colorado. You can also tell your smart speaker to “Play CPR Classical."