Domestic Violence Panel Discussion



PPLD Penrose Library, 20 North Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, 80903

Event Description

AAUW Colorado Springs Branch hosts a panel discussion on Domestic Violence.

This interesting and highly informative discussion will moderated by Fran Pilch and will be based on her book, Domestic Violence: Tragedy and Hope.

The panel includes her collaborating authors:

* Howard Black works for the El Paso County DA. He will talk about law enforcement and Domestic Violence in the Springs.

* Janet Kerr is a psychotherapist and expert witness concerning Domestic Violence in our courts. She will discuss the psychology of the abuser.

* Erika Vida is a Victim Advocate. She will talk about her job and experiences with victims.

Their book, Domestic Violence: Tragedy and Hope, will be available after the presentation.

Doors open at 9:30 and the program will start promptly at 10:00.

Event Contact

AAUW Colorado Springs Branch