(Latest update: 12:52 am. Results rounded to the nearest percent.)
Ballot Issue 1 (TOPS funds):
Yes 72%
No 28%
Ballot Issue 2 (Council Pay):
Yes 20%
No 80%
City Council District 1:
Julie Naye 6%
Tim Leigh 20%
Linda Mojer 6%
Don Knight 56%
Joe Barrera 12%
City Council District 2:
Angela Dougan 39%
Joel Miller 52%
Bill Murray 8%
City Council District 3:
Tom Gallagher 7%
Jim Bensberg 16%
Bob Kinsey 4%
Brandy Williams 34%
Keith King 39%
City Council District 4:
Gary Flakes 4%
Deborah Hendrix 35%
Dennis Moore 22%
Helen Collins 39%
City Council District 5:
Bernie Herpin 31%
Roger McCarville 24%
Jill Gaebler 36%
Al Loma 8%
City Council District 6:
Andres Pico 34.44%
David Moore 33.10%
Ed Bircham 32.46%