One is saying it may be time to scale back expectations.
The staff at Connect for Health, Colorado's marketplace for new plans under the federal health law, continue to say that they're happy with the number of people enrolling, about 6,000 in the first six weeks.
But some board members are worried that that number is substantially below projections.
The goal is 136,000 enrollees by the end of March. Tech executive Eric Grossman says enrollments need to rise in a hurry.
"If you just do some basic math, we've got to get 12,000 enrollees per week, to hit our low target," Grossman said.
Grossman says that's still possible, with “laser-like focus.” Connect for Health staff say the website continues to gain capabililty and function, and that enrollment times are much faster than at launch. An update of enrollment numbers is expected in early December.