Vic Vela

Morgan Sinclair on Back from Broken

Morgan Sinclair

Morgan Sinclair wrestled with his identity as a trans man growing up. He turned to drugs to numb his feelings, and struggled with addiction. As a teen, he found a way to recover and heal.
Leah V on Back From Broken

Leah V

Leah V was in a relationship that was tumultuous and, at times, abusive. But therapy changed her life and allowed her to heal.
Shane Price on Back From Broken

Shane Price

At an early age, Shane Price realized he could pour on the charm with women, and at 16 years old he started his career as a pimp. After a violent incident left him shaken, Shane made changes to his life.
Tierre Caldwell on Back From Broken

Tierre Caldwell

Tierre Caldwell spent time in a violent gang and developed addictions to drugs and alcohol as a teen. When he wound up in prison, he had to face his demons and find a way to stop using.