Government and PoliticsEffort to allow lawsuits over past child abuse fails in Colorado Senate after unanimous Republican oppositionBy Andrew Kenney
Government and PoliticsChild sexual abuse survivors try to flip just one vote as GOP senators unite against liability measureBy Andrew Kenney
Government and PoliticsShould churches and others be held accountable for past sex abuse? Colorado voters may decideBy Andrew Kenney
JusticeFBI, state agencies recovered 27 sex trafficking victims in Colorado during two-day Operation Cross Country campaignBy Tony Gorman
SportsFormed to combat Olympic sex abuse, the Denver-based SafeSport center is struggling 6 years after openingBy The Associated Press
JusticeColorado Supreme Court strikes down law allowing child sex abuse lawsuits from decades pastBy The Associated Press
EducationBoulder Valley School District agrees to pay $1.2 million to settle lawsuit over sexual assault allegationsBy Alison Borden and Jenny Brundin
SportsU.S. Olympic Report: 93 Percent Of Athletes Surveyed Who Experienced Sexual Harassment Or Unwanted Contact Say They Didn’t Report ItBy Dan Boyce
JusticeFinal State Report Concludes More Than 200 Colorado Children Were Abused By Priests, Catholic Church Vows ReformBy Allison Sherry
MilitaryAmid Continued Anger About Vanessa Guillen’s Death, Critics Say The Army Often Ignores Sex CrimesBy American Homefront Project
JusticeFor Denver Comedian Ben Roy, Opening Up About His Abuse In The Catholic Church Was About Standing Up For HimselfBy Xandra McMahon
JusticeFormer US Olympics Medical Director Alleges He Was Fired For Trying To Alert Officials To AbuseBy Claire Cleveland
Justice‘He Ruined That Man’: Colorado’s Catholic Church Reparations Exclude Victims Of Religious Order AbuseBy Andrew Kenney
JusticeColorado Reparations Deadline Could Bring New Wave Of Catholic Clergy AccusationsBy Andrew Kenney