In Colorado Springs, the D-11 is set to vote on budget reductions tonight (Gazette, KKTV). The Gazette also reports Ft. Carson troops facing an upcoming deployment will be supplying troops on the front lines. KKTV also reports on criticism over how the city has been portrayed in national media. KRDO reports the city is losing "green" jobs. KXRM reports some are questioning whether the city needs a "strong mayor" form of government.
In Pueblo, D-70 officials have approved a four-day week for next school year (Chieftain, KRDO, KOAA). In D-60, several schools have been put on "turnaround" status, indicating imminent changes aimed at improvements (KRDO).
The Colorado Springs Business Journal reports on the new Southern Colorado Business Partnership,
KRDO reports on the closing of the Imperial Hotel and Casino in Cripple Creek.
In Trinidad, the Chieftain looks at the pending sale of the Trinidad State Nursing Home.
The La Junta Tribune-Democrat reports officials at Bent's Old Fort are renewing efforts for funding for a new access road, and that the Community Garden in La Junta has received a grant.
Disclaimer: KRCC and KRCC News make no guarantees regarding the content within these reports, however consider them part of the news and media outlets reporting on issues affecting our coverage area. The Index is not exhaustive, and is not an endorsement of any kind.