Colorado women earned 78% of men's average in 2010 (Denver Business Journal). Pueblo Health officials question the state's recent high ranking for non-vaccinated children (Pueblo Chieftain).
Colorado Springs issues an oil & gas moratorium (Gazette, Denver Business Journal). Council will consider reimbursable expenses (CS Independent). Occupy protesters appeal Mayor Steve Bach's decision to deny a permit extension (Gazette). A false alarm call answered by the police department raises concerns over a possible new trend (Gazette). Local businessmen start a website aimed at boosting entrepreneurial activity (Colorado Springs Business Journal*). The Colorado Springs Independent takes a look at how the removal of a tax could cost El Paso County millions.
A casino in Cripple Creek will be sold (Denver Business Journal).
A new study on Fountain Creek will determine the impacts of dams (Pueblo Chieftain), while Pueblo council members say flood protection is essential (Chieftain). In Pueblo, the new school realignment plan focuses on middle school (Chieftain). Property crimes drop, according to a recent study (Chieftain).
The C-1 School Board in Custer County will hire a firm to find its new superintendent (Wet Mountain Tribune). A delegation from Custer County traveled to Denver to seek more broadband capabilities and a state veterans cemetery (Wet Mountain Tribune).
Disclaimer: KRCC and KRCC News make no guarantees regarding the content within these reports, however consider them part of the news and media outlets reporting on issues affecting our coverage area. The Index is not exhaustive, and is not an endorsement of any kind. * indicates subscription required.