After tonight's meeting with homeowners affected by the Waldo Canyon Fire, officials held a short press briefing announcing a fatality. Here is the audio of that press briefing.
Transcript of the brief:
Press briefing, 10:30pm, UCCS, Colorado Springs
(First comments missing from transcript; feed cut off; we’ll have audio later tonight at…Work that’s being done on their behalf. I just want to review again a couple of things. We’re going to partner with El Paso county and open a recovery center on Saturday. The purpose of that would be to get the appropriate agencies in one place, like a one-stop-shop, if you will, so that the people that have been impacted by these fires can then get a lot of their questions answered. I want to thank the University of Colorado, UCCS, for providing their facility. We put this meeting together in a short period of time and we couldn’t have done that without them. And, we appreciate that. We’ll be here at 8 o’clock in the morning to brief you on the progress of the fire. But we wanted to be brief in this, then I want to introduce Police Chief Pete Carey for a few comments, but I want to thank you. You did a magnificent job tonight letting this be a personal experience for the people that were impacted by the fire and I just want to commend you for the way that you handled that–the media. So with that, Chief Carey”
Pete Carey, CSPD: “I want to start my saying that the repopulation of the evacuated areas we started at 6pm tonight, or announced at 6pm, is going well, no major concerns. Despite the heroic effort of our first responders, I have some sad news, Colorado Springs Police Department was given information which led to a search at 2910 Rossmere Street in the Mountain Shadows subdivision, that’s 2910 R-O-S-S-M-E-R-E, that residence was destroyed by fire. Unfortunately, remains of one human being was discovered in the debris. The search continues. We have informed family members. Initial information was that two adults were missing from that residence. This investigation is ongoing and I can’t make any further comments about it tonight. Thank you.”