With all that's going on in the world right now, many of us are feeling uncertain and maybe even a little lonely. KRCC wants to help keep everyone connected.
We want to hear from you.
What are you doing to stay connected with family, friends and co-workers? How are you keeping community while prioritizing safety and physical distance? What measures have you taken to reduce the distance we are feeling mentally and socially?
How are you keeping community when community can feel so far away?
We're collecting your stories that we want to put on air and online in the coming days and weeks. Share your voice with us by calling and recording a message at: 719-357-9745.
OR record your thoughts using the Voice Memo app on your iPhone. Here's a handy guide from NPR, including an alternative for Android phones. Email the file to [email protected].
Please make sure to include your name (and how to spell it), location and a way for us to contact you. Responses should be kept around one minute and may be edited for length and clarity.
By submitting a file, you agree to have your name, location, and story air on the radio and appear online.