Cost of MRI Varies Widely Across the State

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The skyrocketing cost of healthcare has many shopping around for the best price on medical procedures. A Colorado Public News investigation has found the extra effort could save consumers thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses. CPN's Carol McKinley has more.

Patients can save thousands of dollars on a MRI

Patients who must pay for their own basic shoulder Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Test can save up to $3,000 by shopping around. This survey asked for prices for a no-contrast image of a shoulder. Some facilities include the radiologist fee for free.

Medical Facility/ Price

Thornton Imaging Center $450
Touchstone Imaging, Lakewood $450
Radiology Imaging Associates, Denver $585
Colorado Springs Imaging $600
Open MRI of Pueblo $600
Health Images, Aurora $625*
St. Anthony Central Hospital/Denver NMR, Inc. $1,050*
Penrad Imaging in Colorado Springs $1,077*
Twin Peaks Medical Imaging, Longmont $1,320*
Community Hospital, Grand Junction $1,932*
Poudre Valley Hospital, Fort Collins $2,112*
Avista Adventist Hospital, Louisville $2118
Banner Health in northern Colorado $2,228*
Greeley Medical Clinic $2,281
Colorado Plains Medical Center, Fort Morgan $2,863*
Boulder Community Hospital $3,360*
St. Anthony North Hospital, Westminster $3,366
Memorial Hospital, Colorado Springs $3,460*

* Fee at these facilities can drop five to 50 percent if the patient pays cash up front.
Source: Colorado Public News