FORGIVE MY POP HEART – for it hides such vacuous sorrows



Cottonwood Center for the Arts, 427 E Colorado Ave., Colorado Springs, 80903

Event Description

FORGIVE MY POP HEART is a pop art show exploring that deep and still place underneath the shiny and palpable veneer of the exterior face that we present to the world. Together we will travel into that space inside the heart of all things where everything that is inconsolable lives. This interdisciplinary and participatory installation show will follow the poetic threads of all the remnants that remain and persist in the aftermath of our most tremendous losses. I invite you because I am too lonely to go alone. Come on baby, show me what that heart can do.

Solo Show by the artist and poet, Jacqueline Viola Moulton.

Events made possible by support from Colorado Creative Industries. On display through July 29th.


Free - Donations appreciated.